Monday, June 2, 2008

Recommendations for red worm's breeding

The first thing you has to do is prepare the terrain (the breeding place).For a person without any experience about, we recommend to get some dry leafs form a non resinous tree, put them in a recipient, and fill it with water so the leafs the maximum possible of humidity. Leave the leafs in the water for 24hs and then, thru them in a humid corner in the ground or in some recipient that don't accumulate water but conserve the humidity. You can add wet paper to this. Taking care of humidity (80%), in a few days it becomes in a perfect food to the worms.Dry leafs degrades quickly, and the paper (with the proper humidity) can be consumed by the worms without prior degradation. This two aliments don't need any special or complex treatment, they can be consumed by the worms without having any problem or repel.Other recommended aliments are the used tea and other domestic herbs like tea. Remember that the most important thing is to conserve the humidity but taking care to don't make water accumulation because inundations can scare and even kill the worms.Also, you has to take care about the PH of the aliment, this can oscillate between 6.2 and 7.8 approximate, and a PH 7 will be the ideal. But if you use just leafs and paper you won't have any problem with this.For any other aliment, you has to take in count that it has to get thru the fermentation process before giving it to the worms. Worms die in extreme alkaline or acid conditions.The best way to check if the aliment is ready for the worms is with the next method:Put some of this new aliment in a small recipient, then, put a few worms over the aliment and expose them to solar light. If the worms get in the food quickly and don't get out of the recipient un a few minutes, the new aliment is OK. But if the worms don't get in and run away from the recipient, the aliment is not ready and It may be mortal. Is recommendable to make this test for every new type of aliment.The ideal temperature for Californian red worms breeding is 21 centigrade degrees, but they can survive in temperatures form 0 to 41 centigrade degrees, so, they can be breed in outdoors conditions in any place with moderated temperatures.Worms reproduction happens in temperatures between 14 and 27 centigrade degrees, being 21 centigrade degrees the optimum temperature for a maximum reproduction. This can be checked with a simple home thermometer.Under ideal circumstances, the worms population can double his size in a month. Take in count that Californian red worms get coupled regularly every 7 days depositing one cocoon each one, and under ideal circumstances, can burn until 20 new worms from each cocoon. This new worms will get their sexual maturation at the age of two months, and they'll get coupled every 7 days for the rest of his life (15 years.)

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